Poison alert in Freiburg: Optophysiology investigator team solves tricky case and saves Freiburg
New Article Published in bioRxiv
Our results resolve long-standing questions about the dynamical structure of cortical activity associated with movement, and illuminate the dynamical perturbation experiments needed to understand how neural circuits throughout the brain generate complex behavior.
New Article Published in Nature Communications
We demonstrate cross-subject and cross-session generalization in a decoding task through alignments of low-dimensional neural manifolds, providing evidence of a conserved neuronal code.
Dr. Artur Schneider is awarded two junior prizes for his doctoral thesis
The Bernstein-CorTec Award honors outstanding scientific achievements in the field of Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology. The Thomas Bayer Young Investigator Award recognizes outstanding theses in the field of data analysis and modeling in the life sciences. In 2022, both prizes are awarded to Dr. Artur Schneider for his Doctoral thesis.
Lab outing October, 2022
The way is arduous, but it is worth it: excursion to the castle ruins between Freiburg-St. Georgen and Ebringen.
Congratulations to Dr. Artur Schneider!
Congratulations to Artur Schneider for an awesome dissertation defense on a “Toolbox for the Analysis of Motor Dynamics during unrestrained Behavior”.
New Article Published in Neuron
3D pose estimation enables virtual head fixation in freely moving rats
Feierliche Übergabe des Forschungsneubaus „Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology“
Mit einem Festakt am 18. Mai 2022 hat das Land Baden-Württemberg IMBIT an die Albert-Ludwigs-Universität übergeben.
New Article Published in Nature Communications
Multichannel optogenetics combined with laminar recordings for ultra-controlled neuronal interrogation
New Article Published in Neuroforum
Resolving the prefrontal circuits of cognitive flexibility
New Article Published in Journal of Engineering
Multifunctional optrode for opsin delivery, optical stimulation, and electrophysiological recordings in freely moving rats
New Article Accepted in Nature Communications
Distinct dynamics of neuronal activity during concurrent motor planning and execution
New Article Accepted at ICML 2021 Workshop on Computational Biology
NeuRL: Closed-form Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Neural Decoding